the pioneer woman’s easy goat cheese hors d’oeuvres

the pioneer woman's easy goat cheese hors d'oeuvres

Everyone needs a pretty and easy hors d’oeuvre recipe. Whenever I have people over, link I usually end up with one hopelessly complicated starter that takes me entirely too long to make. Whether it’s fussily topping mini toasts with cheese and fresh herbs or wrapping something together until it’s just so, I always end up in the kitchen sweating it out until the very last minute before my guests arrive.

That’s why you have to have those other make-ahead hors d-oeuvres. Like hummus or dip. The ones you can make in the morning and pull out of the fridge right when you need them. I found this recipe for simple goat cheese cylinders coated in fresh herbs and spices over at The Pioneer Woman and thought I’d give it a go for a dinner party.

the pioneer woman's easy goat cheese hors d'oeuvres

That was the night I stupidly left the ravioli-making until the very last minute. Thank God I’d made these pretty little goat cheeses earlier. They saved the day and they were a total hit. My guests devoured them. Loved every last bite of them.

So, in case you missed it on the Pioneer Woman, here’s the “recipe” with the addition of a poppy seed coated cheese. Next time, I might try an aromatic curry one, or Chinese five spice. I highly recommend you make these for your next dinner party to save yourself some stress. Or maybe you’re smarter than I am and you make everything ahead of schedule, in which case, don’t rub it in…